Got to my appointment about a half an hour early and was greeted by AMANDA (aka the reason for my appointment today ). So that in itself was awesome! Got there and guess what... they did NOT have my records! I was totally peeved! Amanda said not to worry as I know my history just as much as my OB so they would call the doctor to get my records but until then I could tell the RE what I had/had not tried. (Have I mentioned I love her )
Okay so after we filled out more paperwork we were sitting in the waiting room. I must have looked super nervous because this sweet girl sitting across from us asked me if this was our intial appointment. I told her yes and she pointed at her stomach. She said that she is 11 weeks along with twins. She then tells me that she has PCOS & Endo (like me) and that her and her husband had been trying for 5 years and had several miscarriages. One IVF later with my new doctor and they are expecting their rainbow babies! So that really, really helped.
About 5ish minutes later my RE (yes you read that right) the actually doctor came and got me from the waiting room. We get to her office and she says to me that the other doctor did not have an appointment and would like to sit in on my consult. I said sure. (what do I have to lose by seeing 2 instead of 1 RE’s). So they both sit down with DH and I. We went through all of my history and what we have tried. Talked about all the testing we have been through and where we are now.
The lady doctor starts out by telling me that I can try IUI but she really does not think it’s going to work for us. She said she would hate for us to put all the money in an IUI cycle and then us not to be able to complete it. (I have PCOS and my ovaries have around 50ish follies on them which makes me a bad candidate for IUI when you only want 1-2 to develop). She said she really thinks I should think about the shared risk program for IVF. She thinks that it will only take one cycle of it and that we will have several frozen for if we want more children down the road.
This whole time I keep looking over at DH to see his reaction to this. Me, I’m expecting it... him.. well he is just trying to take it all in. After she finishes she said that we could go home and talk about it but she wanted to get me started on a few tests she wants to run. I said sure and we did some BT today and more to be done in the near future. Next DH and I met our nurse. We have ONE nurse that is who is on our case from start to finish. She is very sweet and seems to really want to be there for us as well. Then we met the financial advisor. And wow if we weren’t already buzzing with all the info we were given she threw 100x more things into the mix. DH and I had a chance to talk while she was on the phone with the insurance company and said let’s go for it.
At this point she comes back in and we tell her we want to do it. She brings our doctor over and she hands me more info and we have a plan of attack. Depending on all of the tests she is running if all is clear then we should be starting our first IVF within 2ish months. So ladies that is my long overdue update.
I’m nervous, excited, scared and very, very HOPEFUL. I got excellent vibes from the doctors, nurses and receptionists. I hope that soon I get to post about those two beautiful pink lines!